2023-24 Audition Information Link:Symphonic BandSymphonic Band is offered during both the fall and spring semesters, and serves as an beginning/intermediate concert ensemble. Students will learn about playing fundamentals, music theory, practice, and ensemble performance. The objective of the Symphonic Band is to broaden the experience of young performers and develop their musicianship and musical literacy. Many students in this ensemble are either freshman or sophomores, and are in the process of developing their musicianship skills. This is a low-pressure environment to have fun and learn more about performing as a part of a large ensemble. Students who demonstrate a high level of growth and proficiency on their instrument will have the opportunity to audition into Wind Ensemble the following year. The ensemble may participate in Music Performance Adjudication (MPA), where they are evaluated by a panel of judges on their performance of concert literature and sightreading.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Symphonic Band:
I see Symphonic Band listed as both a Intermediate course and a Proficient Honors course. What is the difference?
- These are two sections of the same class-- they meet during the same period. Students who elect to take the course to receive honors credit will have additional performance demands. See the JHS Handbook section: Honors Credit for specific details.